What was your New Year Resolution?
Ours was togo for a Body Cleanse after the Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Download your free Body Cleanse detox Q&A Click Here and decide if your need to join us feel revitalised for 2018.
Seriously there are so many more benefits to joining in with our Body Cleanse detox month. Here are some guidelines from Pete to get you thinking Click Here
Here are 11 of Pete’s top tips for a 2018 Body Cleanse
1. Planning your meals for the week ahead is one of the best ways to make sure your detox goals are achieved.Meal planning is asking the “what’s for dinner” question once for the whole week.
- Make lists! Organize your pantry, toss out the junk, gather recipes, sketch out weekly menus, make shopping lists for healthy foods you will be eating and formulate a cooking schedule to ensure you allot time to prepare your food for the week.
2. Each of us has an individual pattern of weaknesses and strengths in our bodies. A detox diet can be tailored to target weak organs and systems, giving support to those areas that need the most help.
It is wise to consult a Naturopath to discuss your health, symptoms, diet and lifestyle before starting a detox. In Pete’s clinic he can test to identify your weaknesses and strengths, recommending supplements and dietary changes that address your weaker areas. For example:
- Magnesium and zinc are the best minerals for flushing toxins from the cells of your body.
- – Magnesium stimulates cell activity so that toxins are released into the blood stream.
- – Zinc is a strong antioxidant that works to destroy ‘free radicals’ in the body. Zinc also helps in removing heavy metals from the body.
Most importantly, if you are taking prescription medicines, check with your doctor before starting a Body Cleanse or changing your supplements.
3. Use Sunday to prepare meals for the busy week ahead by cooking up organically detoxifying and delicious meals. This way youcan make wise choices with your meals. Staying organised will help your Body Cleanse detox be a success!
Watch on Video : Click Here : Natural Beauty Products
4. If you enjoy a glass of wine while preparing a meal, here is a very delicious non alcoholic alternative to enjoy throughoutyour Body Cleansing detox.
Using a favourite glass with loads of ice, sparkling mineral water, bruised mint, fresh raspberries or lemon and a couple of drops of Bitters… just divine, refreshing and you’re not blowing your cleanse.
Bitters does contain alcohol, so only use a couple of drops, it is also a digestive tonic

The health benefits are extensive.
- Here are 5 great reasons to add some green juice to your day.
- Removes Toxins from the Body (and Cleanse the Liver)
- Alkalising and helps to reduce Inflammation
- May help with Weight Loss
- Promotes Skin Health
- Boosts Energy & Mental Alertness
6. Many of us detox in order to eliminate internal toxins from our body, but what about the toxins in our homes? Common household and body-care products are being found to have negative health effects on the nervous and immune systems, on our reproductive systems and on our endocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Did you know that the average home contains hundreds of chemicals, you probably put at least 60 chemicals per day on your skin! While these chemicals may be tolerated individually and in small doses, problems can arise when one is exposed to them in combination or in larger doses.
Your body’s chemical toxicity can be investigated in a consultation with Peter Balogh, and with the help of staff at GoVita Tanunda, we can help you to change your household and personal care products over to healthier options.
7. Exercise stimulates our bodies. It flushes out our lungs and improves oxygen delivery while also opening the sweat glands and cleansing the skin through perspiration. It promotes circulation of blood, facilitates lymphatic flow and kick-starts the kidneys. Digestion is also improved with exercise.
Luckily, any activity that gets your body moving is going to provide cleansing benefits. You don’t have to join a gym (if that’s not your thing). Brisk walking, biking, swimming, tennis, yoga, strength training or just about any activity that moves your body is great! So, find out what you enjoy and do that. You will have fun and stick to it, and gain some stress-relief in the process!
8. Drinking pure water is essential to the health of your skin and body because it sustains the health of the cells, assists with the elimination of toxins and waste, helps regulate the body’s temperature and aids in proper digestion.
Most people should have no problem meeting needs with the guideline of eight cups (2Ltrs) of water daily.
Staying well hydrated is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can support your overall health. Making sure you are drinking the right amount of water every day, will keep your body’s detoxification systems working at their best.
9. Some people feel guilty about taking time for themselves, not us…. It’s our number 1 rule!
You don’t have to come up with hours and hours of alone time. Just start off small and see what happens.
Hopefully, the little bit of time you steal for yourself will become so reinforcing that you’ll find more and more ways to get more of it.
Guilt is counterproductive to reaping the full benefits of solitude. If you spend all or even some of your “found” time feeling guilty, it defeats the purpose! Try this –
“I don’t feel guilty because….
– Spending time with myself is time well spent because it makes me a happier person to be around.
– Spending time with myself benefits everyone because by having a happier and healthier mindset, I’m in a better frame of mind to take care of the people who are important to me.
– Spending time with myself is preventative medicine to combat burnout. What good will I be to anyone if I eventually burnout?”
10. This detox month is the perfect time to get grounded!
Being grounded means you are present in your life, not obsessed with the past or future. It means you have stability, security, and control over your life. It means being ready to handle life’s challenges instead of burying your head in the sand and pretending they aren’t there.
5 Tips for getting yourself grounded….
5 Tips for getting yourself grounded….
- Walk on the Earth – Take off your shoes and walk on the Earth. Not the concrete, actual earth!
- Exercise – Moving your physical body
- Meditation – Sit quietly and imagine roots going from your feet deep into the core of the Earth. Plant yourself
- Sit in hot water – It’s cleansing. Take a hot bath with some Epsom salts mixed into the water. Water is purifying
- Sit in Stillness – Be in the present moment. Sit outside on the grass under a tree. Get quiet. Just look, just listen, just feel the air gliding around your body. Notice what you smell. Notice what you hear. Just absorb the present moment.
11. Avoiding caffeine is important during our detox journey. Alternatives that support the health benefits of your detox diets can include a caffeine-free coffee alternative that contains freshly brewed chicory Chicory is a bitter herb that stimulates the liver and gallbladder for an effective liver cleanse
GoVita Tanunda has a large selection of high quality herbal teas, there is something for all tastes.
Bone broth is one of the most nutrient-dense, healing foods for the digestive system, containing collagen, amino acids and numerous trace minerals, just for starters.
Add a variety of alternatives to your pantry and keep it interesting
- The Body Cleansing month is. We had 2 events in January to celebrate with family and friends.
We are all human!
Here are 5 tips on how to maintain your body cleanse when you are a social butterfly…..- Don’t beat yourself up
- Limit yourself to one meal or only a couple of alcoholic drinks
- Don’t blow the whole day over one slip, accept it and move on
- Re-frame why you want to complete your Body Cleanse
- Follow splurges with detoxifying foods
It’s not a “Cheat Day” that mentality may do more harm than good. Find what matters to you—if coffee with a friend is your go-to, then enjoy that. If you love pizza, have a slice and really relish it. There is so much power in enjoying your meal without guilt.Then get back on the horse and keep going
The verdict is in, our January detox was a success!
We experienced clearer thinking, improved productivity, less joint pain, more mobility, enjoyment of the process and a real sense of self satisfaction! We learned to slow down and take time for ourselves.
Those are the un-measurable results.
With the BIA scales Peter uses in his clinic, we measured and recorded a loss of 4kg each, lower visceral fat count (fat around the organs of the abdomen), better hydration and, due to exercise, greater muscle mass.
Peter’s VEGA testing, conducted in clinic, showed an improved alkaline body state, improvement in digestive function, lower toxicity levels in certain areas and a reduction of stress in the body.
We are feeling great and have decided to keep going with the fundamentals of this program, relaxing the strict guidelines and maintaining the good health habits.
Detoxification is safe when under the supervision of a Naturopath. Booking a consultation with Naturopath, Peter Balogh, will involve testing and some detective work to uncover ways to tailor a specific detox program best suited to you and your body, to achieve positive results.
Detoxification is not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
For More Info : Weight Loss Products
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