Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sensible Weight Loss Tips

Dieting sucks! We all know it, but these natural weight loss tips will help you take control of your lifestyle and your health. Making positive, healthy choices can make a world of difference to your life and your waistline.

  • When hunger hits, drink some water then wait 10 minutes before eating to see if the hunger feeling passes.
  • Try to avoid sugar. Highly sweetened foods tend to make you crave more.
  • Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic. Taken before meals, it dulls the appetite by giving you a feeling of fullness.
  • Support is important, and caring people can help one another succeed in making healthy changes, set your goals with a friend.
  • Substitute activity for eating. When the cravings hit, go to the gym if possible; or dust, or go for a walk.
  • Try to exercise at least 3 times a week.
  • Try not to eat after 7pm. If you’re a late-night eater, have a low GI carbohydrate, such as a wholegrain cracker before bedtime to cut down on cravings.
  • If you use food as a reward, establish a new reward system. Buy yourself a non-edible reward.
  • Weigh yourself once a week at the same time. Your weight fluctuates constantly and you can weigh more at night than you did in the morning, a downer if you have had a great day.
  • Leave something on your plate, even if you are a member of the ‘Clean the Plate Club’. It’s a good sign that you can stop eating when you want to, not just when your plate is empty.
  • Avoid finger foods that are easy to eat in large amounts. Keep plenty of crunchy foods like raw vegetables and air-popped fat-free popcorn on hand. They’re satisfying and filling.
  • Avoid drinking large quantities of fattening liquids, which are so easy to overdo. This includes alcoholic beverages. Sip Chai Tea throughout the day as well as water.
  • Don’t shop when you’re hungry, unless you can bypass the biscuits and buy an apple.
  • Make the kitchen off-limits at any time other than mealtime. Always eat at the table, never in front of the TV. Concentrate on eating every mouthful slowly and deliberately. Chew everything from 10 to 20 times and count!
  • Try to eat 6 smaller meals during the day rather than 3 big meals.
  • Never skip meals. Your metabolism will slow down as your body goes into starvation mode.
Most importantly, lose weight for yourself, your health and your self esteem, not to please your family or your friends.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Gorgeous Natural Make-up that not only looks good, it’s good for you!

Makeup and skincare products are considered essential to many women all over the world, but unfortunately they can expose us to a range of questionable ingredients that the skin absorbs like a sponge. Research shows that some ingredients in beauty and personal care products may be linked to very serious health issues.
We can shed some light, and you will never be the same!


Every Thursday, take advantage of the opportunity to book with our regular professional Make-Up Artist, Stephanie. She will weave her magic offering make-overs and tutorials using Natural and Organic cosmetics.
In your session you will learn the “Why” behind choosing Natural Beauty and the “How” to apply fabulous Natural make-up, she shows you how to enhance your best features, with a look that will last all day!
What will you choose?
A tutorial on how to apply natural make-over for everyday wear, a glamorous evening makeover, maybe learn how to apply perfect makeup to impress in a job interview?Check out our Make-over Menu for your options!

Book Your Beauty Service Here

Friday, November 17, 2017

Eating Well For Busy Mums

Are you feeling tired, stressed and lacking in energy?
If you are a working mum, we know that combining this with raising a family can be challenging; cleaning the house, making lunches, dinner and snacks, driving kids to school and after school commitments, doing the laundry, shopping for the household and then trying to deliver on all your work commitments can leave you feeling pretty exhausted and drained! If this sounds like you then try these tips for hardworking mums:

Eat well. A balanced diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables and rich in fibre will help you feel full and reduce you snacking on junk food. If you are feeling stressed and run down add a protein shake to your daily snacks as it will help to reduce fatigue and boost energy levels.
Make time to sleep. Sleep is vital to both your physical health and your emotional wellbeing. Without it, you can’t function properly and your immune function and metabolism may also be compromised.  If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your Go Vita naturopath who can suggest some natural remedies for you to try.
Exercise when you can. Not only will exercise help keep your weight under control, but it’ll do wonders for your positive outlook on life! Walking is ideal, and make sure you choose a route that incorporates a few hills or staircases.
Naturopath, Peter Balogh at Go Vita Tanunda recommends that you try a multi. He suggests a good broad-spectrum multivitamin every day.  A very simple strategy, but at the end of the day you can’t afford to be sick so getting the right nutrients daily can help support your immune system and keep you well. You will also find that the right combination of nutrients will also do wonders for your hair, skin and nails. So not only will you feel great but you’ll look great too!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


We all go through stages where we feel depressed. It can affect our appetite, sleep, self esteem and general outlook on life. It may be short lived and we often snap out of it.

Depressive disorders may arise when the symptoms without treatment, continues for weeks, months, or years.

Major or clinical depression consists of symptoms that interfere with our basic everyday activities – work, study, sleeping, eating and recreation.

If these symptoms are familiar to you, speak to your healthcare professional to help you get back on track.You always feel sad, anxious, restless, and irritable, fatigued or lack a healthy self esteem.

  • Sleep changes – you need more sleep or keep waking up in the middle of the night or early morning.
  • Change in appetite – may be increased or decreased, leading to weight gain or loss.
  • You seem to lack vitality and lust for life – activities that were fun before seem uninteresting

You may experience other symptoms such as chronic pain that doesn’t respond to treatment.

  • Everything seems so difficult, poor concentration
  • Thoughts of suicide or death.
  • Triggers for depression

Brain chemicals, called ‘neurotransmitters’ – high and low levels may cause or contribute to clinical depression. Women are more prone to clinical depression compared to men. Hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause may be the answer.

Chronic illness or conditions can bring on clinical depression
Medications – side effects of some medications
Genetic tendency – especially bipolar
Everyday living gets too difficult – divorce, financial problems or the death of a loved one etc.
What natural therapies can help?

St John’s wort – clinical trials using extracts of St John’s wort have focused mainly on its effects in patients with mild depression (also associated with menopause), nervous tension and anxiety. It has been shown to decrease symptoms of depression and nervous tension.

There have been a number of studies on the use of SAMe for depression. SAMe increases the availability of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.
  • B group vitamins – support the nervous system
  • Vitamin B6 has been clinically proven to be of benefit to patients with premenstrual symptoms in particular anxiety and depression.
  • Calcium and magnesium – are calming minerals important for nerve transmission.
  • Fish oil – research suggests eating fish lowers the risk of depression and suicide and the prevalence of depression is lower in countries with higher fish consumption.
  • Take it easy and give yourself a break. Set realistic goals.
  • Take small bites – break large tasks into small ones, set priorities.
If you are not up to it, leave important decision making to when you are feeling better.

Let your family and friends know what you are going through. It is good to talk about how you are feeling. If there is a time when any important decisions can’t be put on hold they can help sort out the situation.

Don’t overburden your body with the extra stress of late nights, alcohol, excessive caffeine and junk food. Get adequate rest and follow a healthy diet

Chill out – exercise and stretching helps clear your mind and relax your muscles. Try deep breathing exercises and meditation if you can’t slow down

Take time out every day to do something YOU enjoy

Speak to your Naturopath or healthcare professional at Go Vita about how you are feeling.

For more information, Visit: Naturopath | Vitamins and Supplements