Friday, December 28, 2018

Healthy Food Options

Nourish your body with all-natural foods for better health and vitality. Every person can improve their own well-being when they have access to quality food, and are informed about nutrition. Knowledge is power. We carry products that are certified organic, gluten-free and every healthy alternative in between, not only do we have the products, we have Natural Health Consultants with extensive knowledge and advice on nutrition as well as the health benefits of the food items we stock and which choices are the right ones to improve your individual, overall health.
Top Brands We Carry
Nutrivital (Go Vita’s Own trusted brand)
Organic Road (Go Vita’s own trusted brand)
Natural Road (Go Vitas own trusted brand)
Four Leaf Milling
Spiral Foods
Power Superfoods

For more information please click Here : Weight Loss Products

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Saturday, December 15, 2018


Menopause is a normal biological process in a woman’s life, marking the natural transition between fertility and age-related non-fertility. Menopausal symptoms, in particular hot flushes and night sweats, can vary in their duration and severity and typically begin for women in their late 40’s to early 50’s, often leaving them hot and flustered.
Menopause, hot flushes and night sweats
Hot flushes and night sweats are caused by changing levels of hormones in the body, particularly declining oestrogen levels during the peri-menopause, menopause and the post-menopausal phases.
Peri-menopause is the period of time, usually 4-10 years, before the onset of menopause that tends to affect women in their early 40’s.
Menopause is defined as the cessation of menstruation for at least one year and usually occurs anywhere from around 45-55 years of age.
Post-menopause follows the menopausal phase where the ovaries stop producing oestrogen and while the adrenal glands and the conversion of androgens within fat cells produce small amounts of oestrogen.
As a woman approaches peri-menopause, declining oestrogen levels have a direct effect on the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that’s responsible for temperature control. Low levels of oestrogen trick the hypothalamus into believing the body is overheating. This triggers a cascade of biochemical processes to try and cool the body down by dilating blood vessels, resulting in hot flushes and night sweats.
Hot flushes and night sweats are the number one complaint for women experiencing menopause and are characterised by sudden, intense feelings of heat in the face, neck and arms
Excessive sweating
The frequency, duration and severity of hot flushes and night sweats varies greatly between women. Some women experience mild hot flushes and night sweats every now and then, while other women experience severe hot flushes and nights sweats all day and all night. Avoiding well-known triggers such as caffeine, alcohol, stress and excessive heat, can help to prevent hot flushes.
Top 5 herbs for hot flushes and night sweats
  1. Sage has been used for thousands of years and is traditionally used to relieve excessive sweating, night sweats and hot flushes associated with menopause.
  2. Pueraria (Kudzu), provides isoflavones (phytoestrogens), helpful in managingheat and dryness, improve libido throughout menopause and may help preserve bone health in postmenopausal women
  3. Chaste tree, also known as Vitex, helps support normal healthy hormone balance, helps relieve hot flushes and maintains healthy moods.
  4. Dong Quai may help relieve hot flushes and sleep disturbance in pre- and post-menopausal women.
These herbs have traditionally been used to help relieve a wide variety of menopausal symptoms, especially hot flushes, excessive perspiration, night sweats, sleeplessness, dryness, nervous tension, headaches, and joint and muscle pain.
Read to More Blog : Please Visit Here : Weight Loss Products

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Tuesday, December 11, 2018


If you’re wondering why switch to natural, organic skincare when you have a bathroom full of beauty products you haven’t even half consumed, read on!

1.DID YOU KNOW that cosmetic companies use ingredients that are KNOWN Carcinogens?
Don’t wait until you’re sick with a disease or condition to start reviewing your toxic load and then switch to a healthy lifestyle.
The staff at Go Vita Tanunda can show you products without these harmful ingredients.

2.DID YOU KNOW the word “Organic” can be misleading?
In many cases, “organic” is used inappropriately. Organic body care products are a shining example of how the term can be used incorrectly. Calling a shampoo “organic” when it contains harmful chemicals that are normally not allowed in organic agricultural products is misleading advertising.
Buy products with certified organic ingredients at Go Vita Tanunda and take the guess work out of it.

3.DID YOU KNOW that your beauty habits might be hurting the environment?
If you’re washing with petroleum derivatives and harsh surfactants like SLS, where do you think that goes once you wash it down the drain?
What do you think happens to microbeads (tiny little plastic balls found in exfoliators, toothpastes etc)? These tiny, seemingly harmless particles are having a giant impact on the environment polluting our waterways and endangering sea life
Then there’s the packaging – is it recyclable, refillable, or even biodegradable

4.DID YOU KNOW not all Cruelty Free Logos are legitimate?
Whenyour products are vegan and cruelty-free, you are helping to save & protect animals. If animal cruelty alarms you, you’ll want to ensure every personal care product you purchase is going towards preserving their lives. Be aware of the fakes! We have the real deal.

Read more click here : Natural Beauty Products

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